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Fluid Mechanics With Engineering Applications

R$ 900.00 - 5 %

R$ 855,00 + R$ 27,84 envio*

Tipo: seminovo/usado


Ano: 2002

Estante: Ciências Exatas

Peso: 1300g

ISBN: 9780072432022

Idioma: Inglês

Cadastrado em: 31 de janeiro de 2024

Descrição: This book is well known and well respected in the civil engineering market and has a following among civil engineers. This book is for civil engineers that teach fluid mechanics both within their discipline and as a service course to mechanical engineering students. As with all previous editions, this 10th edition is extraordinarily accurate, and its coverage of open channel flow and transport is superior. There is a broader coverage of all topics in this edition of Fluid Mechanics with Engineering Applications.

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