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The Library of Photography

R$ 14.67 - 20 %

R$ 11,74 + R$ 27,84 envio*

Tipo: seminovo/usado


Ano: 1971

Estante: Fotografia

Peso: 1500g

ISBN: 9788500106491

Idioma: Inglês

Cadastrado em: 19 de maio de 2022

Descrição: 8 - L - Livro em médio/regular estado de conservação. Apresenta capa com sinais de desgaste/manuseio. Nada que interfira na leitura da obra.  Sinopse: Good photographs are seen in the minds eye before the shutter is tripped, but they are made in the darkroom. For it is in the final stage of photography in the production of negative and print--that the creative vision is realized in a picture meant to be looked at, admired, perhaps honored. The technical skills demanded of the printmaker are simple. Modern chemical compounds, processing tanks and printing devices lend themselves to procedures that eliminate guesswork, but they do not eliminate the need for judgment and understanding.

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