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Livro Utilitarianism

John Stuart Mill

  • Editora: Aziloth Books
  • Ano: 2018
  • Idioma: Inglês
  • ISBN: 9781911405740
  • Born in 1806, John Stuart Mill was a prodigy: at six he had had written a history of Rome and by eight he was reading both Plato and Sophocles in the original Greek. Open-minded and magnanimous, in early adulthood John Stuart Mills was far ahead of his time, espousing just about every progressive id
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Livro Utilitarianism

Livro Utilitarianism

John Stuart Mill | 2018

Descrição: Born in 1806, John Stuart Mill was a prodigy: at six he had had written a history of Rome and by eight he was readi... Veja mais

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